Sunday, January 20, 2008

La La Land...

Beneath the crimson rays of the burning zone
There,he begins his journey,all alone..
Climbing over the dunes spangled with ipomea,on the seaside..
The soft morning light he enjoys,while on his ride..
Birds flying out of the casuariana tree..
All seem to tell him,they've the power to be free..
Flute-voiced drongoes,cutting through the air..
Frisking and flirting,giving a blue-black glare..
And there he stops by a pond,with a dirty stare..
Seeing women giggling as they send up showers of water,wondering..what a bond they share!
The lane becomes dusty and rutted now..
And comes along a Magic Man with his trumpet and the pious cow..
His magenta turban struggling to shine in all that dust..
And he wears a look,as if protesting for his life oh-so-unjust.
Oh! There he is riding beneath the girdle of pearls,to understand..
the mysteries of love and life,in the Never never Land..